Sunday, February 18, 2024

Module Two Part II

 Education and the educational system are topics that will always be debated and that we must pay close attention to. If we compare what education was like 50 years ago and how it is now, we can see many changes and advances, but some things will remain the same. The way children are educated, regardless of their condition or where they come from, must leave a mark on them, and elevate them to the next level. 

Previously, children from other countries, Native Americans, and those from different economic and social statuses did not receive the same education or the same services and opportunities. This is because since everyone was different, great importance was not given to their needs, but rather to the needs that society and the government had. By this, I mean that the Native Americans, the rich, and those who had an excellent command of English, were the ones who received classes in economics, mathematics, social studies, science, etc., because they were the children who according to the "experts" They would achieve a good change in society and have an excellent future. However, immigrants, people of color, and those with limited resources were taught to work in factories, in the fields. As housewives, because they did not pass the tests that the experts demanded (due to their low level). of English, or resources to study for tests), they were forced to learn mechanics or carpentry, because according to society their intelligence was not for mathematics or science. Still, they were not allowed to learn them either. For this reason, many children decided to leave school and dedicate themselves solely to working to help their families (a sad reality that we still see today).

 Class 1900-1950 just Native Americans                                                                 

Today, schools have improved education and the way they make each student learn. We now have programs that help students learn English while also learning about science, math, social studies, arts, music, etc. No matter what country they come from, whether they have money or not, regardless of their skin color, every student receives the help they need. There are services for speech assistance, for those who have learning or concentration problems, and after-school activities that help them identify or create new skills and abilities. The schools are very diverse with students and teachers from all walks of life, and they are not separated by culture but are all together to learn from each other. We are educating children so that they can function in society, we are teaching them so that they know about economics and health, but we are also teaching them about art and music so that in some way they can express themselves and identify what they most want. They like it while they learn a little about everything. They are talked to about mental health, how to be a community, about having values and principles, and from there, it is their decision what they want to do when they are adults. However, what I feel that still has not changed is the way we base a student's intelligence on the results of an exam, and instead of reinforcing those weaknesses, many teachers make them feel less and tell them that if they continue like this, they will not. They will be nothing in life (testimonies that I experienced at school). This only discourages students and makes them think about whether it is worth going to school; For this reason, many students prefer to leave school and dedicate themselves to something else because they feel that school "is not for them."

Diverse Class 1990

The school benefits us all because it offers us all kinds of knowledge that will help us grow as people, it helps us work as a team, learn about different cultures and customs, it shows us how big the world is and how easy it is to connect with others. other people teach us to create friendships and also stay away from what does not suit us. I don't think that the school makes anyone fail, but it all depends on the concept with which the student receives the information and uses it correctly, and it depends on the way the information is being sent to each student. A teacher who is not trained enough to work with all types of students will not be able to prevent a student from dropping out of school. That is why as future teachers/educators we must ensure that we are sending the right message to our students and that we teach them all the opportunities they have to achieve success in life; be a support, a right hand, a person they can trust because many children do not receive that support and motivation at home, not all of them come from a good family that guides them on the right path, but a teacher can change thousands of lives.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Module One Part I Blog

 This first chapter of the book School talks about the beginnings of schools and the educational system in society. Like everything new, the beginnings of the schools were a topic of debate because immigrants, natives, and African Americans could not reach an agreement to take advantage of this new opportunity. This was the moment in which everyone could improve themselves and increase their knowledge, however, it was not that simple. At first, education was only offered to those who could pay for those services and to Native Americans. Nowadays, the educational system has changed and in schools, we can see students of all cultures and all economic statuses studying to be able to improve themselves and meet their goals and, in some cases, the goals that their parents at that time could not achieve. Public education in the United States unifies us because it connects us with people very different from us and makes us see that although we are different in many ways, we are all humans who deserve respect, understanding, solidarity, and above all a dignified and valuable education.

On the other hand, we can say that it divides us because some schools continue to segregate students based on their cultures or skin color, others based on religion, and some based on intelligence levels, among others. I don't think that this is wrong, but that it could be done in another way in which people do not feel inferior or superior to others just because of the educational system in which they find themselves. Sometimes it is a matter of preferences and which voices are heard and which are not, because many times Latinos do not always want to be surrounded by Latinos (because they want to know other cultures or because they need to learn the language better), in other cases, religious people also feel Curious about other religions, but they are afraid to expose themselves for fear of what they will say or the consequences they might receive. I think it is an issue that we will continue to talk about and that we will never all be able to agree on.

Education is an essential and significant part of everyone's life, without the educational system we would not have technological advances or any progress in history. Thanks to school, we have learned basic skills such as reading and writing, but we also learn about respect, communication, teamwork, public relations, we learn about fears, passions, sports, history, arts, etc. Education shapes the beginnings of our lives and if we follow the right path it leads us to achieve everything, we set out to do. I have had the opportunity to study in two countries and both are very different, with different norms and different educational systems but both with the same purpose, to ensure that each student achieves success. Education or studying is already a lifestyle for me, and I think that for many of us it is also, because we have a goal, a vision that we must fulfill, and that although it is not an easy or short path, it is a sure path that offers good results.


Module Four Part IV

  This last part of the book shows how segregation, inequality, and lack of resources can significantly affect young people. Youth are the m...